Episode 26: Bridging with Elizabeth Soltis
Marti and Todd welcome guest Elizabeth Soltis, author of Authentic Collaboration, to discuss the topic of bridging—the art of connecting ideas, groups, and perspectives. They explore how to shift mindsets from predetermining connections to living into the process of exchange and relationship building. The hosts and guest share insights on attuning groups, finding common ground, embracing vulnerability, getting comfortable with not knowing, and opening up to new possibilities. Key themes include moving from static structures to emergent processes, and from transmitting expertise to participatory meaning-making. Authentic collaboration requires suspending preconceived outcomes in order to bridge diverse views, tapping into the momentum and potential that arises through open disclosure.
From the Edge: The Coordinates of You (Marti)
Conscious Rant: Questioning the Need for Speed (Todd)
Guest: Elizabeth Soltis
Elizabeth Soltis is the founder and director of Bridges Global, and author of Authentic Collaboration. She is a passionate bridge-builder who enjoys bringing out the best within and among people.
As a seasoned organizational development consultant, collaboration specialist, group facilitator and leadership coach, Elizabeth appreciates the nuances of collaboration. She sees this essential life skill as a powerful relationship intelligence. She sows the seeds of transformation by supporting people and groups to align with their vision and values.
For over 25 years, Elizabeth has served businesses, governments, and social profit organizations to strengthen their processes of learning, change and effectiveness. Many of her clients in the past 15 years have been United Nations agencies, guiding teams on their growing edge as they address complex challenges and solution-find. Self-described as a global citizen, Elizabeth has had the privilege of working in, volunteering in or traveling to over 80 countries.
As a dynamic, compassionate space-holder, Elizabeth asks compelling questions and listens deeply. She uses a myriad of facilitation tools to deepen connection, expand perspective, dissolve blocks to power and encourage heart-centered communication. Elizabeth's purpose focuses on inner growth and outer service so people, organizations and communities thrive.
Ficus La Raiz — living bridge in Monteverde, Costa Rica
6:03 - Discussion starts, defining the metaphor of "bridge building"
12:04 - Shifting mindsets from static structures to emergent processes
18:31 - Finding common ground to build relationships
24:07 - Embracing vulnerability and disclosure
30:53 - Getting comfortable with not knowing
35:51 - Creating openness for creativity and risk-taking
43:30 - From the Edge: The Coordinates of You (Marti)
52:09 - Conscious Rant: Questioning the Need for Speed (Todd)
56:16 - Takeaways
“Instructions and lists and proclamations of how things should be done are not the seeds of the future and those seeds will not germinate.” — Marti Spiegelman
“What if this idea of bridging refers to a new experience of relationship dynamics—not just a one-way delivery across a static structure, but a dynamic in which everyone invests in order to produce collective states of fulfillment?” — Marti Spiegelman
“A bridge reminds us that unity is possible. Even when we mistreat each other and we burn our so called relational bridges, we can still meet in the messy middle to explore and co-create something new.” — Elizabeth Soltis
“Life is much more abundant when we can lean into the uncertainty and unpredictability.” — Todd Hoskins
“The best bridges are built not between things that are the same, but things that are complementary.” — Marti Spiegelman
“Stepping into the unknown and exploring uncharted territory is a precondition for authentic collaboration.” — Elizabeth Soltis
“Disclosure is the glue that keeps a collective together.” — Marti Spiegelman quoting a phrase from Andean elders
“Cultures that support so-called ‘failure’ are ones in which people can share unfinished ideas. They can say, ‘I'm not sure.’ They can say, ‘I'm uncomfortable.’ They can say, ‘I would like to explore something with you, but I don't know how to phrase it or conceptualize it.’ These are all disclosures in a working environment that we need for the creative process that are directly tied to this whole idea of failing, which is not about failing. It's about risk-taking.” — Todd Hoskins
“We need to reactivate the mystery in our lives. Let there be unknown things and walk into that together. Then we start to have real collaboration.” — Marti Spiegelman
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.” — Rumi
“The person of power knows himself so well that he no longer has anything to hide. From himself or anyone else, he lives in full disclosure, no inner shadow, so no longer casting an outward shadow.” — Marti Spiegelman
“If you're a leader, your shadow will limit your ability to see your way ahead. It will limit your capacity to be a great way finder for those you serve.” — Marti Spiegelman
“It's commonly held as a belief that if you're moving fast, you're doing well. We mistake speed for vitality. This is all a lie. Moving slow is not the answer either. What we need is variability of speeds—the capacity to respond quickly and slowly in response to the dynamics of life. Trees do not grow at the same pace throughout the seasons. They grow when the conditions are best and conserve energy when there is less water or sun.” — Todd Hoskins
“Bridging is a process. It's an engagement. You can't plan it ahead.” — Marti Spiegelman
“The longest journey is to continually be building bridges between the mind, gut, and heart.” — Elizabeth Soltis
Authentic Collaboration by Elizabeth Soltis
Ficus La Raiz - living bridge in Costa Rica
The Pleasures of Finding Things Out by Richard Feynman
Theme music courtesy of Cloud Cult